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Advanced Kratom Alkaloids

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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Get your Kratom Tablets here with 7-Hydroxymitragynine !!

Advanced Kratom Alkaloids from 7 OHMZ is made from Kratom leaf extract into pill form for easy ingestion. Kratom has  been long used in traditional medicine and used for many issues. Some of the issues are things such as pain, anxiety , fatigue, depression along with many others. Its popularity has risen recently for use for anti-drug cravings such as opioid addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

How much is in each pack of Advanced Kratom Alkaloids ?

Each pack comes with 6 servings which is 14 Mg per tablet with 3 tablets. Each tablet contains two servings with all natural ingredients

We also suggest trying out these other kratom products that we carry KShot and Feel Free Kratom Shots.

Get your Kratom Tablets here with 7-Hydroxymitragynine !!

Advanced Kratom Alkaloids from 7 OHMZ is made from Kratom leaf extract into pill form for easy ingestion. Kratom has  been long used in traditional medicine and used for many issues. Some of the issues are things such as pain, anxiety , fatigue, depression along with many others. Its popularity has risen recently for use for anti-drug cravings such as opioid addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

How much is in each pack of Advanced Kratom Alkaloids ?

Each pack comes with 6 servings which is 14 Mg per tablet with 3 tablets. Each tablet contains two servings with all natural ingredients

We also suggest trying out these other kratom products that we carry KShot and Feel Free Kratom Shots.

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Advanced Kratom Alkaloids
Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $29.00.
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